Joe McCreary

When making art, I think about my own experience with the idea I am trying to represent. I contemplate every aspect of design in order to offer clear communication with resolution. I judge my work to be successful when it resonates on intellectual and emotional levels. I consider my efforts worthy when I can create a form that is both visually pleasing and has a personal history. Some examples of this history are how the work addresses the materials it’s made from, how it references my upbringing, or how the piece relates to a larger community. I make art to express myself through visual means. It is a way to celebrate my ideas both publicly and privately. Even though my sculptures may take different visual directions, they relate as a cohesive whole. Often, the distinct lines and gestures of a figurative sculpture will influence the direction of abstract pieces.
The metal casting process inspires me. The nature of this process requires working in a group. In my mind, I am included in an immediate group of fellow artists laboring together to create art, but there is also a wider and older group. The basic materials and techniques I use are largely unchanged since the first foundry. Every time I engage in the casting process I feel the same wonder that every foundry person has felt before me. I am fortunate to be a part of this heritage.